Friday, April 10, 2009

Just Water

Just Water

Just water nourishes me
spiritual, physical
hydrates and balances me
bodies, world, of water

spiritual, physical
water in numerous forms
bodies, world of water
streams, rivers, waterfalls, oceans

spiritual, physical
water cleanses inside out
bodies, world, of water
rain, ice, snow, hail, deluge

water cleanses inside out
hydrates and balances me
rain, ice, snow hail, deluge
just water nourishes me


Judy Roney said...

I love the tribute to water and wish I loved it as you drink that is. I am drinking more now than ever but still I drink sodas all day. You are such a healthy thinking person and this is another tribute to that as well,.

Mary said...

I just love this poem, Diane. I could almost see this turning into an Enya song.....relaxing and invigorating.

Victoria said...

a cleanse of a poem - feeling flowing through like....water.